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SRW represented at the Monument 4th of July Parades

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Attached is the registration form for the District V meeting, April 29, 2023, at the Western Museum of Mining and Industry.  The registration form includes directions to the museum, choices for lunch, and cost.  The deadline for returning the registration and check is Tuesday, April 25.

Please distribute the registration information to your club members.  I look forward to seeing you April 29th !

Thank you! Judith

March 20, 2023

Opinion @ Gazette. from Rachel Meyer

Front Range voters deserve to know the consequences of their vote on the Gray Wolf Reintroduction Initiative, (Proposition 114, Nov. 3, 2020).  As reported by The Fence Post, (an agriculture publication), two dogs were killed by wolves last week. One was a highly trained stock dog and the other a neighbor pet in North Park area.

Proposition 114, (yes-50.91%, no-49.09%), is well on the way to gradually unleashing 200 plus wolves on citizens, livestock and pets west of the Continental Divide.  Initial reintroduction will begin by the end of 2023.  If 2-8 migrant wolves can cause the killing of 8-12 livestock and pets in one year, what damage will be done by 200 wolves?  One of the dogs killed was 10 feet from the owner’s home.

Are these wolves killing for consumption or sport? Colorado Parks & Wildlife Commission is now preparing the final plans for introducing and managing wolves.  Give the ranchers and Western Slope citizens the right of lethal property defense. 

Rachel Meyer

Colorado Springs

Guest Editorial: COS City Councilman Donelson Responds to Mayor Suthers Op-Ed Guest Editorial:


Recently, City Council passed a controversial water ordinance on a 5-4 vote. Those of us who voted against this questionable ordinance were characterized in a Gazette Guest Opinion piece as lacking courage, being distracted by noise, unable to focus on the public interest, and not voting to do the right thing.  

As a former Green Beret and Iraq War Veteran I think I am okay on the courage part.  I will also vouch for my three colleagues, two of whom are also military veterans.  In fact they are the three longest serving members of Council.  Perhaps it was their years of experience that led them to be suspicious of an ordinance that came about in such a strange way.  

The Gazette ran a front page article on January 22nd reporting that this ordinance originated in a threat by Norwood Development Group, that they would attempt to change our City’s Charter to restrict annexations.  Norwood owns approximately 80% of all remaining developable land inside our city boundaries.  Without further annexations into Colorado Springs that will increase to nearly 100% within 5 years.  

In response to this threat our Mayor began lobbying CSU and City Council for an ordinance that would essentially achieve Norwood’s goal – through a slightly different method.  Perhaps you can see why, from the beginning, some of us were suspicious of whose interests were being advanced with this ordinance.  

Many citizens are understandably concerned about the reliability of our water supply and are concerned that very soon we may essentially “run out” of water.  For that reason you may feel that we had to do something fast and at least this was something.  While this is understandable among citizens who are not constantly focused on these issues, our city leaders should know better.  

We are not about to run out of water.  Colorado Springs Utilities has 2.6 years worth of water stored in reservoirs in the mountains.  If we were completely cut off from the Colorado River and our other sources we could continue at current usage for 2.6 years.  

Colorado Springs’ water usage is the same now as it was 30 years ago – about 72,000 acre feet/yr.  The growth we have experienced in our city has not resulted in higher amounts of water usage.  We use water more wisely now.  That trend will continue.  Growth does not mean we run out of water.  

The state of Colorado is entitled to 3.9 Million Acre Feet (MAF) annually from the Colorado River.  Our highest use ever was 2.6 MAF in 2011.  California, Arizona, and Nevada are using more water than they are entitled to.  Their overuse, together with the current drought, is the cause of dropping water levels in Lake Powell and Lake Mead. 

87% of water use in Colorado is agricultural.  We will not be able to significantly impact Colorado River water flows by restricting annexations to a few cities along the front range. 

The four of us knew we had time to slow down and do this right.

Contrary to what was stated in the previous Opinion piece, it actually doesn’t take much courage to go along with what the “strong mayor” is recommending Council approve.  That is the easy way.  The hard way, the way that requires courage, is for Council to say “Hold on, we need to look into this”.  That is what the four of us were asking for.  

It is important to listen to the “noise” of concerned citizens, who have entrusted City Council to act on their behalf, especially when the Council has the power to approve an ordinance that may create a monopoly in our city.

City Council should never rush to approve an ordinance that is being demanded by a powerful party.  Council must “focus on the public interest” with proven facts, and not fears.  It may turn out that one developer’s interests are coincidentally in exact alignment with what is best for Colorado Springs, but Council better look closely and be sure.  

And finally, it was necessary to “do the right thing” by voting against a water ordinance whose impact on the cost of housing, increased density throughout our city, quality of life, and development surrounding Colorado Springs, has not been studied and is not understood.   

Dave Donelson

Colorado Springs City Councilman

Original article published in Gazette:

January 13, 2023 Ranchland News Opinion Section Letter to the Editor RE: Egg Shortage Title: The Rest of the Story

Another reason for the current egg shortage and price increase is human caused. Our Colorado elected legislators passed HB20-1343 “Egg Laying Hen Confinement Standard” in 2020 and signed by Governor Polis in 2020. The bill became effective this January 1st, (after the recent November election). Each Colorado hen will have one square foot of space and beginning on 1/1/2025 hens will be totally cage-free. A dozen Colorado eggs were $1.57 when Governor Polis took office in 2019. Rachel Meyer